Course syllabus

CSC 131 – Introduction to Computer Science  - Hybrid

Course Syllabus - Fall 2020

"This syllabus is subject to change, but only with sufficient notification"


Welcome to Dr. Ebrahimi’s Introduction to Computer Science class! This course will focus on Problem-solving methods and algorithms in a modern high-level programming language. Dr. Ebrahimi Introduces one or more programming environments. The emphasis is on a programming style and the design, coding, and testing of complete programs. This course is recommended primarily for computer science majors.  The students who successfully complete this course will:

  • Demonstrate an understanding of basic programming concepts including data types, variables, modularity, parameters, conditional statements, iteration, and arrays.
  • Demonstrate program development techniques to describe and understand the problem statement, think through input/process/output, leading to problem representation, and finally coding.
  • Demonstrate the ability to use program control structures (i.e., iteration, conditionals).
  • Develop and use algorithms to solve a variety of problems, for instance, those related to array processing, statistical calculations, image and audio processing, and text processing.
  • Practice modular programming by developing, debugging, and integrating modules into a larger program.
  • Demonstrate the ability to use programming language-specific software libraries.
  • Demonstrate the ability to use basic file input and output.
  • Demonstrate the ability to use software development tools from the command line to compile and run commands to an integrated development environment.


What else do I need to know about this course?

A grade of ‘C’ (2.00) or better is required for taking any course for which CSC 131 is a prerequisite. 

Satisfies University Studies I: Foundations/Mathematics and Statistics. Satisfies

University Studies IV: Building Competencies/Quantitative and   Logical   Reasoning.   Partially satisfies   University   Studies III: Transdisciplinary Cluster/Modeling.

Prerequisites: MAT 111 or MAT 115.



What do I do when I need help?

If you need help, talk to me or shoot me an email. I will do all I can to help

you understand the materials.


Teaching Assistant: Mr. Evan Kurpiewski at

Peer Support: Ms. Bella Novicki at


How to contact Dr. Ebrahimi?


Office hours: Monday and Wednesday, 3-4:30 pm and by appointment

Office hours/Student sessions Link: Please email for the link

Office: CIS 2037

Phone: (910) 962-3820

You can email me at any time but I only respond to emails from 8 am to 5 pm. All the emails regarding CSC131 must be in the following format otherwise I might not open them in time:

  CSC131 – your title

  For example "CSC131 – Lab 2"


Textbooks (Optional)

  • Introduction to Computer Science Using Python: A Computational Problem-Solving Focus, by Charles Dierbach
  • Fundamentals of Python: First Programs, 2nd edition, by Kenneth Alfred Lambert.


Other Resources (More resources will be posted in different modules as well)



A modified 10-point scale will be used to compute your course grade. Pluses and minuses will be assigned based on the following chart.









Lab Assignments, Quizzes, and CS Circle




Academic Integrity

University Policy on academic integrity will be followed for this course. Cheating will be taken very seriously, resulting in harsh penalties. Since the skills required in this class are also required in the next class, cheating in this class will seriously hamper your ability to pass the next class. Please refer to this page for more information about the Univerity policies. 





Course summary:

Date Details Due